Tigger’s Tantrums

Meet Tigger, the American Shorthair house cat. She is a nice, fun-loving kitty with attitude. She lives with Rob Jonasson and is his beloved friend. She fights for truth, justice and honour for the downtrodden peoples and pets of Earth. She is a superhero in a fur coat! She can shape-shift into many forms, including her favorite a bat.

At night she transforms and flies around looking for causes to fight for. She helps the blind, impoverished, and meek amongst the humans overcome their woes. When you need help just call out and she will come to your aid. When you piss her off, she has the goal of getting even, and will! Hilarity, violence and mayhem ensue.

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Current Tigger’s tantrum Posts

Tigger’s Bad Day

This introductory segment of Tigger’s Tantrums finds our feline heroine being chased by two Tom Cats. She is saved by her friend an old hound dog.

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